World Chess Championship

 The World Chess Championship 

2022 is about to start. 14 Classical games will be played between Chef and Carlsen in the championship, where each game has one of three outcomes — it can be won by Carlsen, won by Chef, or it can be a draw. The winner of a game gets 2 points, and the loser gets 0 points. If it’s a draw, both players get 1 point each.

The total prize pool of the championship is 100X. At end of the 14 Classical games, if one player has strictly more points than the other, he is declared the champion and gets 60X as his prize money, and the loser gets 40X.

If the total points are tied, then the defending champion Carlsen is declared the winner. However, if this happens, the winner gets only 55X, and the loser gets 45X.

Given the results of all the 14 games, output the prize money that Carlsen receives.

The results are given as a string of length 14 consisting of the characters CN, and D.

  • C denotes a victory by Carlsen.
  • N denotes a victory by Chef.
  • D denotes a draw.

Input Format

  • The first line of input contains an integer T, denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
  • The first line of each test case contains one integer X, denoting that the total prize pool is 100X.
  • The second line contains the results of the match, as a string of length 14 containing only the characters CN, and D.

Output Format

For each test case, output in a single line the total prize money won by Carlsen.


  • 1T1000
  • 1X106
  • |S|=14
  • S contains only characters DCN.


Subtask #1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 


Sample Output 1 



Test case 1: Since Carlsen won all the games, he will be crowned the champion and will get 60X as the prize money which is 60100=6000

Test case 2: Carlsen won 7 games and drew 7, so his score is 27+17=21. Chef lost 7 games and drew 7, so his score is 07+17=7. Since Carlsen has more points, he will be crowned the champion and will get 60X as the prize money which is 60400=24000

Test case 3: Carlsen and Chef both end up with 14 points. So, Carlsen is declared the winner, but because the points were tied, he receives 55X=5530=1650 in prize money.

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