CSS Book A Show – Online Ticket Booking in css Tarurendra November 07, 2021 Add Comment Tarurendra Question: “BOOK A SHOW” is an online movie ticket system to book tickets for current and upcoming movie releases across the city in India. T... Read More
CSS Pricing Tables in HTML and CSS Tarurendra November 05, 2021 Add Comment Tarurendra Question: Create a three column pricing table as shown in the image below. The columns must be created using <div> with id values 1,2... Read More
CSS Navigation Bar using CSS3 – Dropdown List Tarurendra November 04, 2021 Add Comment Tarurendra Create a page that has a navigation bar created using CSS3. A snapshot of the final page display is shown below use <nav><li>... Read More
CSS WebPage Creation in CSS Tarurendra November 03, 2021 Add Comment Tarurendra Question: Create a webpage as shown below The CSS Constraints to be applied are The web page should have Tag Id Constraints section home Sho... Read More
CSS CSS Effect – Image changing effect on mouseover Tarurendra November 02, 2021 Add Comment Tarurendra Question: Create a page that will display an image changing effect on mouse over in a file named imgeffect.html. Initially the page would ... Read More