Chef and NextGen

 Chef is currently working for a secret research group called NEXTGEN. While the rest of the world is still in search of a way to utilize Helium-3 as a fuel, NEXTGEN scientists have been able to achieve 2 major milestones:

  1. Finding a way to make a nuclear reactor that will be able to utilize Helium-3 as a fuel
  2. Obtaining every bit of Helium-3 from the moon's surface

Moving forward, the project requires some government funding for completion, which comes under one condition: to prove its worth, the project should power Chefland by generating at least A units of power each year for the next B years.

Help Chef determine whether the group will get funded assuming that the moon has X grams of Helium-3 and 1 gram of Helium-3 can provide Y units of power.

Input Format

  • The first line of input contains an integer T, the number of testcases. The description of T test cases follows.
  • Each test case consists of a single line of input, containing four space-separated integers A,B,X,Y respectively.

Output Format

For each test case print on a single line the answer — Yes if NEXTGEN satisfies the government's minimum requirements for funding and No otherwise.

You may print each character of the answer string in either uppercase or lowercase (for example, the strings "yEs""yes""Yes" and "YES" will all be treated as identical).


  • 1T1000
  • 1A,B,X,Y,1000


Subtask #1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 

1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
2 18 9 4
1 100 2 49

Sample Output 1 



Test case 1: Chefland requires A=1 units of power for the next B=2 years. In total, the moon must be capable of providing AB=2 units of power. There are in total X=3 grams of Helium-3 on the moon which is capable of providing XY=12 units of power. 12>2, so the project satisfies the minimum requirements for funding. Thus, the answer is Yes.

Test case 2: The total amount of power needed by Chefland is AB=12, whereas the total that can be provided by the Helium-3 present on the moon is XY=2, which is insufficient to receive funding, so the answer is No.

Test case 3: The total amount of power needed by Chefland is AB=218=36, and the total that can be provided by the Helium-3 present on the moon is XY=94=36, which is sufficient to receive funding, so the answer is Yes.

Test case 4: The total amount of power needed by Chefland is AB=1100=100, and the total that can be provided by the Helium-3 present on the moon is XY=249=98, which is insufficient to receive funding, so the answer is No.

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