TCS Examination

 Two friends, Dragon and Sloth, are writing a computer science examination series. There are three subjects in this series: $\text{DSA}$, $\text{TOC}$, and $\text{DM}$. Each subject carries $100$ marks.

You know the individual scores of both Dragon and Sloth in all $3$ subjects. You have to determine who got a better rank.

The rank is decided as follows:

  • The person with a bigger total score gets a better rank
  • If the total scores are tied, the person who scored higher in $\text{DSA}$ gets a better rank
  • If the total score and the $\text{DSA}$ score are tied, the person who scored higher in $\text{TOC}$ gets a better rank
  • If everything is tied, they get the same rank.

Input Format

  • The first line of input contains a single integer $T$, denoting the number of test cases. The description of $T$ test cases follows.
  • The first line of each test case contains three space-separated integers denoting the scores of Dragon in $\text{DSA}$, $\text{TOC}$ and $\text{DM}$ respectively.
  • The second line of each test case contains three space-separated integers denoting the scores of Sloth in $\text{DSA}$, $\text{TOC}$ and $\text{DM}$ respectively.

Output Format

  • For each test case, if Dragon got a better rank then output "Dragon", else if Sloth got a better rank then output "Sloth". If there was a tie then output "Tie". Note that the string you output should not contain quotes.
  • The output is case insensitive. For example, If the output is "Tie" then "TiE", "tiE", "tie", etc are also considered correct.


  • $1 \leq T \leq 1000$
  • Each score of both Dragon and Sloth lies between $0$ and $100$.


Subtask #1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 

10 20 30
30 20 10
5 23 87
5 23 87
0 15 100
100 5 5
50 50 50
50 49 51

Sample Output 1 



  • For the first test case, Sloth and Dragon have the same total score but Sloth gets a better rank because he has a higher score in $\text{DSA}$.
  • For the second test case, Sloth and Dragon have the same rank because they have the same score among all subjects.
  • For the third test case, Dragon gets a better rank because he has a greater total score.
  • For the fourth test case, Sloth and Dragon have the same total score and same $\text{DSA}$ score. Dragon gets a better rank because he has a greater $\text{TOC}$ score.
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