Chef and Fixed Deposits

 Chef wants to make a purchase. For this, he needs $X$ gold coins, but he has none at the moment.

Chef has $N$ fixed deposits, the $i^{th}$ of which is worth $A_i$ coins. He wants to open the minimum number of these deposits so that he has at least $X$ coins.

You have to tell Chef the minimum number of fixed deposits he must open in order to have $X$ coins, or say that this is impossible.

Input Format

  • The first line of input contains a single integer $T$, denoting the number of test cases. The description of $T$ test cases follows.
  • The first line of each test case contains two space-separated integers — $N$ and $X$, as described in the statement.
  • The second line of each test case contains $N$ space-separated integers — the $i^{th}$ of which is $A_i$.

Output Format

For each test case, output one line containing the answer — the minimum number of FDs Chef must open to have at least $X$ coins. If it is not possible for him to open FDs such that he has at least $X$ coins, output $-1$.


  • $1 \leq T, A_i, N \leq 100$
  • $1 \leq X \leq 10^4$


Subtask #1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 

4 6
4 3 5 1
3 15
1 5 3
2 5
10 3
4 7
1 2 3 4

Sample Output 1 



Test case $1$: Chef can open the first and second FDs to get $4 + 3 = 7$ coins.

Test case $2$: No matter which FDs Chef opens, he cannot have $\geq 15 $ coins, so the answer is $-1$.


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