Distinct Integers

 MoEngage gives you an array 

A of length N.

You are required to perform exactly (N1) operations on the array. In one operation, you have to pick two indices i and j (1i<jN) and do the following:

  • Remove the elements Ai and Aj from array.
  • Append |AiAj| to the array.

Note that, after each operation, the size of the array is reduced by one. Thus, after (N1) operations, only one element remains in the array.

Find the number of distinct values the remaining element can have after (N1) operations.

Input Format

  • First line of the input contains T, the number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
  • First line of each test case contains an integer N denoting the length of the array.
  • Second line of each test case contains N space-separated integers describing the array A.

Output Format

For each test case, print the number of distinct values the remaining element can have after (N1) operations.


  • 1T1000
  • 1N2103
  • 0Ai2103
  • Sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 2103.

Sample Input 1 

4 8 5
2 4

Sample Output 1 



  • Test Case 1: The given array is [4,8,5]. There are two possible values the remaining element can have after all the operations. These values are 1 and 7.

    • To get 1, we first choose i=1 and j=2. We remove the elements 4 and 8 and append |48|=4 to the array. After performing the operation, A=[5,4]. Next, we choose i=1 and j=2. After performing the operation, A=[1].
    • To get 7, we first choose i=1 and j=3. We remove the elements 4 and 5 and append |45|=1 to the array. After performing the operation, A=[8,1]. Next, we choose i=1 and j=2. After performing the operation, A=[7].
  • Test Case 2 : The given array is [1]. No operations are possible in the array. So, the only possible value of the remaining element is 1.

  • Test Case 3 : The given array is [2,4]. The only possible value of the remaining element after performing one operation is 2.

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