Bullets and Enemies

 There are 

enemies standing from left to right with strengths


bullets are to be fired from the left side such that only one bullet is fired at a time. The bullet has power and capacity .
This means that the bullet affects the first alive enemies from the left side and decreases the strength of each of those enemies by


Once an enemy’s strength becomes less than or equal to

, the enemy dies and its strength becomes


Find the strength of all the enemies after all

bullets are fired.

Input Format

  • First line will contain
  • , the number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
  • The first line of each test case contains two space-separated integers
  • and
  • .
  • The second line contains
  • space-separated integers
  • , denoting strength of the enemies.
  • The third line contains
  • space-separated integers , denoting the power of the
  • bullet.
  • The fourth line contains
  • space-separated integers , denoting the capacity of the
    • bullet.

    Output Format

    For each test case, output

    space-separated integers denoting the final strength of the enemies.


  • Sum of
  • over all the test cases does not exceed
  • .
  • Sum of
  • over all the test cases does not exceed
    • .

    Sample Input 1

    7 4
    51 84 24 19 77 10 34
    3 6 3 10
    2 2 6 2
    4 3
    10 5 4 8
    4 2 3
    2 4 2

    Sample Output 1

    29 62 21 16 74 7 34
    1 0 0 6


    Test case

    : Initial strength of the enemies is


    • The power of the first bullet is
    and the capacity is . This means that the first bullet reduces the strength of the first and second enemies by . The strength of the enemies after the first bullet is fired:
  • .
  • The power of the second bullet is
  • and the capacity is . This means that the second bullet reduces the strength of first and second enemies by . The strength of the enemies after the second bullet is fired:
  • .
  • The strength of enemies after third bullet is fired:
  • .
  • The strength of enemies after fourth bullet is fired:
    • .

    Test case

    : Initial strength of the enemies is


    • The power of the first bullet is
    and the capacity is . This means that the first bullet reduces the strength of the first and second enemies by . The strength of the enemies after the first bullet is fired:
  • .
  • The power of the second bullet is
  • and the capacity is . This means that the second bullet reduces the strength of the first four enemies by . The strength of the enemies after the second bullet is fired: . Note that due to this bullet, the second enemy dies and its strength becomes
  • .
  • The power of the third bullet is
  • and the capacity is . This means that the third bullet reduces the strength of the first two alive enemies by . The strength of the enemies after the third bullet is fired: . Note that since the second enemy is already dead, enemies and are affected by this bullet.
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