Interactive Tree

 This problem is similar to the problem "INTREECTIVE2". The only difference between them is the number of queries allowed — in this problem, up to 21 queries can be made. In Div. 1 and Div. 2 this problem is worth 40 points and "INTREECTIVE2" is worth 60. In Div. 3 this problem is non-scorable.

This is an interactive task

You are given a tree consisting of N nodes, numbered from 1 to N. Chef selected an arbitrary node and marked it.

Chef gave you a judge to play with, using which you can ask queries about the given tree.

In each query, you give the judge a non-empty set S of nodes. The judge returns 1 if there exists u and v (not necessarily distinct) such that u,vS and the marked node lies on the shortest path from u to v, or 0 otherwise.

You have to find the marked node.

For each test case, you can use at most 21 queries.


  • Begin the interaction by reading a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of interaction for T test cases follows.

  • For each test case, first read a single integer N, denoting the number of nodes in the tree.

  • N1 lines follow. The ith of these lines contains two space-separated integers ui and vi, denoting an edge between the nodes ui and vi.

  • It is guaranteed that the given graph is a tree.

  • Now you may begin asking queries. To ask a query about a set S of k nodes v1,v2,,vk (1kN,1viN, all vi are distinct), output:

    k v1 v2  vk

  • You will then receive an integer xx is 1 if there exists u and v(not necessarily distinct) such that u,vS and the marked node lies on the path from u to v, or 0 otherwise.

  • When you have found the marked node(say v), print the answer in the following format:


  • Outputting the answer doesn't count towards the limit of 21 queries.

  • If at any time you make an invalid query or exceed the query limit, the interaction is terminated and you will receive a Wrong Answer verdict.

  • If you receive a Judge Error verdict, that means your program actually has one of many possible errors: an Idleness Limit Exceeded error (it is waiting for input that does not exist), a Runtime error, you asked an invalid query, or possibly some other error.

  • Don't forget to flush the output after printing each line!


  • 1T1000
  • 1N1000
  • The input graph is a tree
  • Sum of N does not exceed 5104 over all test cases
  • At most 21 queries can be made.

Sample Interaction

Grader                You
1 2
                      ? 1 1
                      ! 2
1 2
1 4
1 3
                      ? 3 1 2 3
                      ? 1 3
                      ! 3


  • Test case 1: After the 1st query, we know that node 1 hasn't been marked. So, we are left with only one possibility — node 2.

  • Test case 2: Chef marked the node 3.

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