Bitwise Blend

 Chef loves bitwise operations. So, he creates the following problem but needs your help to solve it.

Chef calls a sequence of integers A1,A2,,AN tasty if it satisfies the following condition:

  • parity(Ai&Ai+1)parity(Ai|Ai+1) for 1i<N.

Chef gives you a sequence A1,A2,,AN. You may perform the following operation on the sequence any number of times (possibly 0):

  • Choose 2 indices i and j (1i,jn ; ij) and change Ai to AiAj.

Chef is asking you to make the sequence tasty using the minimum number of operations, or report that it is impossible.

As a friendly reminder,

Input Format

  • The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
  • The first line of each test case contains a single integer N.
  • The second line contains N space-separated integers A1,A2,,AN.

Output Format

For each test case:

  • If it is impossible to convert the given sequence into a tasty sequence using the given operations, print a single line containing the integer 1.
  • Otherwise, first, print a line containing a single integer M ― the minimum number of operations you have to perform.
  • Then, print M lines describing these operations in the order in which you want to perform them. For each k (1kM), the k-th of these lines should contain two space-separated integers i and j (1i,jn ; ij) ― the indices on which the k-th operation is performed.

If there are multiple solutions, you may find any one of them.


  • 1T3103
  • 2N105
  • 0Ai<230 for each valid i
  • The sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 2105


Subtask #1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 

0 0
6 16 69

Sample Output 1 

1 3


Test case 1: It is impossible to make A tasty using the given operations.

Test case 2: We can choose i=1 and j=3 and apply the operation which converts A into [67,16,69] which is tasty.

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