Valleys and Hills


Chef built a binary string 

S that has exactly N hills and M valleys.

  • hill is any index 1<i<|S| such that both its neighbors are strictly smaller than it, i.e, Si1<Si and Si+1<Si.

  • valley is any index 1<i<|S| such that both its neighbors are strictly larger than it, i.e, Si1>Si and Si+1>Si.

Chef thinks that his string S is the shortest among all binary strings with N hills and M valleys. You don't quite trust his words, so to verify his claim you would like to find the shortest binary string with exactly N hills and M valleys.

If there are multiple possible binary strings of the least length satisfying the given condition, you may print any of them.

Input Format

  • The first line of input will contain a single integer T, denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
  • The first and only line of each test case contains two space-separated integers N and M, the required number of hills and valleys respectively.

Output Format

For each test case, output two lines.

  • The first line contains the length of the binary string you constructed to satisfy the given conditions.
  • The second line contains the string itself.


  • 1T2500
  • 1N500
  • 1M500
  • The sum of lengths of the answer strings across all test cases does not exceed 2105


Subtask 1 (10 points):

  • 1N50
  • 1M50
  • You may output any string of length not exceeding 320 containing exactly N hills and M valleys: it need not be shortest by length. It is guaranteed that at least one such string with length 320 exists.

Subtask 2 (90 points):

  • Original constraints
  • The binary string you construct must be shortest by length.

Sample Input 1 

3 2
2 3
3 3

Sample Output 1 



Test case 1: The given string has hills at indices 2,4,6 and valleys at indices 3,5. It can be verified that there is no string of length 6 or less with 3 hills and 2 valleys. Note that for subtask 1, a binary string like 001010100 will also be accepted as a valid output, even though it is not shortest by length.

Test case 3: Apart from the given string, another possible string of length 8 that has 3 hills and 3 valleys is 10101010. You may print any of them.

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