Weather Observation Station 11 query in SQL – Hacker Rank Solution


Query the list of CITY names starting with vowels (i.e., aeio, or u) from STATION. Your result cannot contain duplicates.

Input Format

The STATION table is described as follows:

where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude.

Weather Observation Station 11 query in SQL – Hacker Rank Solution


select distinct city from station 
where left(city,1) not in('a','e','i','o','u') 
or right(city,1) not in('a','e','i','o','u');

Disclaimer: The above Problem (Weather Observation Station 11 query in SQL ) generated by Hackerrank but the Solution is Provided by MultiplexCoder. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purposes.

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