String Split and Join in Python – HackerRank Solution


In Python, a string can be split on a delimiter.

For Example:

>>> a = "this is a string" 
>>> a = a.split(" ") # a is converted to a list of strings.  
>>> print a ['this', 'is', 'a', 'string']

Joining a string is simple:

>>> a = "-".join(a) 
>>> print a 

You are given a string. Split the string on a " " (space) delimiter and join using a - hyphen.

Function Description

Complete the split_and_join function in the editor below.

split_and_join has the following parameters:

  • string line: a string of space-separated words


  • string: the resulting string

Input Format
The one line contains a string consisting of space separated words.

Sample Input

this is a string   

Sample Output


String Split and Join in Python – HackerRank Solution


def split_and_join(line):
    # write your code here
    # String Split and Join in Python - HackerRank Solution START
    Output = line.split();
    Output = "-".join(Output)
    return Output;
    # String Split and Join in Python - HackerRank Solution END
if __name__ == '__main__':
    line = input()
    result = split_and_join(line)


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Disclaimer: The above Problem (String Split and Join in Python – HackerRank Solution) is generated by Hackerrank but the Solution is Provided by MultiplexCoder. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purposes.
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