String Sorting Program in java


John likes to play with string and he always tries to do something new with it. This time he found a very typical way to sort a stringWhat he did is that he took a string composed of both lowercase and uppercase letters and sorted it in such a manner such that the uppercase and lowercase letter comes in an alternate manner but in sorted way.  He needs your help to complete this job as fast as possible.

Input: bAwutndekWEdkd

Output: AbEdWddekkntuw

Here we can see that letter ‘A’,’E’,’W’ are sorted as well as letters “b,d,d,d,e,k,k,n,t,u,w” are sorted but both appears alternately in the string as far as possible.

Note: Create main() inside the class ‘SortDriver’

The first line of input contains the string to be sorted. 

Print the string in required sorted format.
Sample Input:

Enter the String: HelLoWoRld

Sample Output:

The Sorted String is: HdLeRlWloo


SortDriver .java

 import java.util.Scanner;
 import java.lang.*;
 class SortDriver{
     public final static int MAX =100;
     public static String alternateSort(String s1)
     int n= s1.length();
     char [] s = s1.toCharArray();
     int[] lCount = new int [MAX];
     int[] uCount = new int [MAX];
     for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
         uCount[s[i] - 'A']++;
         lCount[s[i] - 'a']++;
     int i=0,j=0,k=0;
         while(i<MAX && uCount[i] ==0)
             s[k++]= (char)('A'+i);
         while(j<MAX && lCount[j]==0)
             s[k++]= (char)('a'+j);
     return(new String(s));

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         Scanner input = new Scanner(;
         System.out.println("Enter the String:");
         String str;
         str =input.nextLine();
         System.out.println("the Sorted String is:");



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