String Reverse – Recursion Program in java



Ram participates in an online gaming contest, where he is asked to code logic in Java to reverse the given word using recursion. Help Ram to perform the same. Check the sample input and output statements for more clarifications.

Function signature should be: public static String reverseString(String str)

Implement the main() inside the class ‘ReverseDriver’

Sample Input/Output 1:

Enter the string: teknoturf

Reversed string is: frutonket

Sample Input/Output 2:

Enter the string: krishna

Reversed string is: anhsirK

Sample Input/Output3:

Enter the string: Hello World

Reversed string is: dlroW olleH


import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Scanner;
class StackDriver
{ static Stack<Integer>st=new Stack<>();
  static void insert_at_bottom(int x)
  { if(st.isEmpty())
    {  int a= st.peek();
static void reverse()
{ if(st.size()>0)
  { int x= st.peek();
public static void main(String[] args)
{ Scanner s=new Scanner(;
  System.out.println("Enter length of List:");
  int n=s.nextInt();
  { System.out.println("Invalid Length");}
    {for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
        { st.push(i);}
          System.out.println("Elements in Stack ");
          System.out.println("Elements in the stack after reversal");

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