Problem Description
Given a string A which contains only three characters {'x', 'o', '.'}.
Find minimum possible distance between any pair of 'x' and 'o' in the string.
Distance is defined as the absolute difference between the index of 'x' and 'o'.
NOTE: If there is no such pair return -1.
Problem Constraints
1 <= |A| <= 105
Input Format
First and only argument is a string A.
Output Format
Return an integer denoting the minimum possible distance.
Example Input
Input 1:
A = "x...o.x...o"
Input 2:
A = ""
Example Output
Output 1:
Output 2:
Example Explanation
Explanation 1:
Minimum distance is between 'o' at index 5 and 'x' at index 7 i.e |7 - 5| = 2
Explanation 2:
There is no such pair, return -1.
int Solution::solve(string A) {int n = A.size();int prex[n], sufx[n];for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){if(A[i] == 'x'){prex[i] = i;}else{if(i == 0){prex[i] = -1;}else{prex[i] = prex[i-1];}}}for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){if(A[i] == 'x'){sufx[i] = i;}else{if(i == n-1){sufx[i] = -1;}else{sufx[i] = sufx[i+1];}}}int ans = 1e7;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){if(A[i] == 'o'){if(prex[i] != -1)ans = min(ans, i - prex[i]);if(sufx[i] != -1)ans = min(ans, sufx[i] - i);}}if(ans == 1e7){return -1;}return ans;}
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon