Exceptional Server in C++ – Hacker Rank Solution


Your friend set up a small computational server that performs complex calculations.
It has a function that takes 2 large numbers as its input and returns a numeric result. Unfortunately, there are various exceptions that may occur during execution.

Complete the code in your editor so that it prints appropriate error messages, should anything go wrong. The expected behavior is defined as follows:

  • If the compute function runs fine with the given arguments, then print the result of the function call.
  • If it fails to allocate the memory that it needs, print Not enough memory.
  • If any other standard C++ exception occurs, print Exception: S where S is the exception’s error message.
  • If any non-standard exception occurs, print Other Exception.

Input Format :

The first line contains an integer, T, the number of test cases.
Each of the T subsequent lines describes a test case as 2 space-separated integers, A and B, respectively.

Constraints :

  • 1 <= T <= 10^3
  • 0 <= A,B <= 2^60

Output Format :

For each test case, print a single line containing whichever message described in the Problem Statement above is appropriate. After all messages have been printed, the locked stub code in your editor prints the server load.

Sample Input :

-8 5
1435434255433 5

Sample Output :

Exception: A is negative
Not enough memory

Explanation :

-8 is negative, hence ‘Exception: A is negative’ is thrown. Since the second input is too large, ‘not enough memory’ is displayed. 2 is the server load.

Exceptional Server in C++ – Hacker Rank Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

class Server 
    static int load;
    static int compute(long long A, long long B) 
    load += 1;
    if(A < 0) 
    throw std::invalid_argument("A is negative");
    vector<int> v(A, 0);
    int real = -1, cmplx = sqrt(-1);
    if(B == 0) throw 0;
    real = (A/B)*real;
    int ans = v.at(B);
    return real + A - B*ans;
    static int getLoad() 
    return load;
int Server::load = 0;

int main() 
int T; cin >> T;
while(T--) {
long long A, B;
cin >> A >> B;

/* Enter your code here. */
            cout << Server::compute(A, B) << endl;
        catch (std::bad_alloc& error) 
            cout << "Not enough memory" << endl;
        catch (std::exception& error) 
            cout << "Exception: " << error.what() << endl;
        catch (...) 
            cout << "Other Exception" << endl;
        /* ------------*/
cout << Server::getLoad() << endl;
return 0;

Disclaimer: The above Problem (Exceptional Server in C++ ) is generated by Hackerrank but the Solution is Provided by MultiplexCoder. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purposes.

 Tags:    hackerrank c++ solutions | Functions Discussions | C++ | HackerRank | student analysis C++ hackerrank solution | challenges C++ hackerrank solution | hackerrank C++ basic certification solutions | hackerrank-C++ certification solutions | basic data types hackerrank solution in c++ | variable sized arrays hackerrank solution in c++ | inherited code hackerrank solution in c++ | hackerrank c++ solutions github | hackerrank data structures solutions in c++ | hackerrank c++ class solution | pointer hackerrank solution in c++ | box it hackerrank solution in c++ | codechef | 2021

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