Top 5 Real World Artificial Intelligence Applications

 Only the mention of AI and the brain invokes visions of the end of the planet by Terminator machines. The present photo, luckily, is substantially more optimistic. So let’s discuss how AI supports our world and eventually benefits humanity. I’m going to address how AI has affected various fields such as marketing, finance, banking, and so on in this blog on Artificial Intelligence applications.

Applications for Artificial Intelligence: Marketing

               If we searched an online store in the early 2000s to locate a product without knowing its exact name, finding the product would be a nightmare. But now we get all possible results relevant to the product when we check for an item in any e-commerce store. It’s like our minds are read by these search engines! We get a list of all the related things in a matter of seconds. Finding the best movies on Netflix is an example of this.

     One reason we’re all obsessed with Netflix and chilling is that Netflix offers extremely detailed predictive technology based on the reactions of customers to movies. It scans millions of documents to recommend shows and movies that you would like based on your past acts and movie choices. This technology is getting better and smarter every day as the data set expands.

      With the increasing development of AI, by snapping a picture of it, it could be possible for customers on the web to purchase goods in the near future. Companies like Cam Find and their rivals are already trying this.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Finance

     To assess future trends in the market, Projects relied on computers and data scientists. Trading largely relies on the ability to reliably forecast the future. Machines are great at this because, in a short time, they can crunch a large amount of data. In previous data, machines can also learn to observe patterns and predict how these patterns will replicate in the future. Financial organizations are turning to AI in the era of ultra-high-frequency trading to enhance their efficiency in stock trading and raise profit.

   Japan’s largest brokerage house, Nomura Securities is one such organization. The business has reluctantly followed one task i.e., using computers to evaluate the insights of seasoned stock traders. Nomura is expected to launch a new stock exchange system after years of study.

      A huge amount of price and trading data is processed by the new system in its computer. For example, by tapping into this knowledge pool, evaluations can evaluate that current market conditions are similar to those two weeks ago and forecast how share prices will adjust a few minutes down the road. Based on the expected market rates, this will help to make better trading decisions.


Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Agriculture

    A disturbing reality here is that by 2050, the planet will need to generate 50 percent more food because we’re basically eating it all up! When we use our money more carefully, the only way this can be possible is. With that being said, AI will help farmers get more from the land while more sustainably using energy.

    Issues such as climate change, population development and food security issues have driven the sector to adopt more creative approaches to crop yield improvement. Automation and robotics are being used by organizations to help farmers find more successful ways to defend their crops from weeds.

       A robot named See & Spray, which uses computer vision technologies such as object detection to track and precisely spray weedicide on cotton plants has been developed by Blue River Technology. Spraying with precision will help avoid resistance to herbicides. In addition, a Berlin-based agricultural technology start-up called PEAT has created an application called Plantix that uses photographs to detect possible defects and nutrient shortages in the soil.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Health Care

   A lot of organizations and medical care facilities rely on AI when it comes to saving our lives. There are several examples of how patients all over the world have benefited from AI in healthcare.

     A clinical decision support system for stroke prevention was created by an organization named Cambio Health Care that can offer a warning to the doctor when a patient is at risk of having a heart stroke. Another such example is Coala Life, a company that has a digital system that can detect heart disease.

    Likewise, Aifloo is building a framework to keep track of how individuals perform in nursing homes, home care, etc. In healthcare, the great thing about AI is that you don’t even need to develop a new drug. You can also save lives only by using an existing drug in the correct way.

Applications for Artificial Intelligence: Gaming

    Artificial Intelligence has been an important part of the gaming industry over the past few years. In addition, one of the greatest contributions of AI is in the gaming industry. One of the most important accomplishments in the field of AI is DeepMind’s AI-based AlphaGo program, which is renowned for beating Lee Sedol, the Go World Champion.

    DeepMind created an advanced version of AlphaGo named AlphaGo Zero shortly after the win, which beat the predecessor in an AI-AI face off. AlphaGo Zero taught himself to master the game, unlike the original AlphaGo, which DeepMind learned over time by using a large amount of data and supervision. The First Encounter Assault Recon, popularly known as F.E.A.R, which is a first-person video game for shooters, is another example of Artificial Intelligence in gaming.



What are some applications of AI in health care?

   Useful in diagnosis, surgeries, drug and medicines discovery, and analysis. Also plays a major role in assistance through mobile phone applications

Where is AI used the most?

It is rapidly interfering and spreading in all applications of all fields. It gradually transforms the way of life ethically and morally.

What is the best AI Mobile app?

AlphaGo as answered in the article

What are examples of AI

Chatbot supports, Vehicles, etc; are all examples of AI

Where the AI is applicable in future?

Exploration of space, day to day activities involves AI interference in the future.

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